Central Illinois Angels is a membership-based angel investment organization composed of business leaders and professionals in Central Illinois.
Central Illinois Angels was launched in late 2009 as an angel investment organization focused on providing equity to opportunities that show a promise of significant return to its members. Since inception, the members of Central Illinois Angels have invested over $13 million in our portfolio companies.
Additionally, Central Illinois Angels is also looking for companies that have a strong management team with relevant experience, and exit strategy for investors, a desire for advice and coaching from investors, and a valuation that fits our risk/reward expectations.
Central Illinois Angels, Inc. (CIA), a not-for-profit corporation, facilitates the introduction of entrepreneurs to potential investors through presentations and other mechanisms. CIA consists of individual angel investors interested in financing privately held companies or ventures that are typically in the startup stage of development and have a high likelihood of growth and success.
CIA will examine potential investments in a number of areas and industries. Potential members should have the ability to be investment champions - an interest in mentoring companies and the willingness to lend experience and expertise to those companies and the investment group.